Culturing Blue Green Algae
This might seem like a strange question but... Who turned my aquarium blue?! I've recently noticed some blue green algae in my twenty gallon pond tank. Not a big deal, bga is part of nature but it still caught my eye. This "algae" can be toxic in certain situations. Some varieties are safe while others can create deadly cyanotoxins. So I cut the blue green algae away from my "good" Nitella algae. I collected some of the bga and set it aside to study. My goal was to find a way to control it naturally. Well some interesting things happened to that 32 oz sample jar. As you can see... The jar turned a brilliant SAPPHIRE BLUE. This caught me completely off guard! I didn't expect anything like this to happen. The jar itself was fine one day, then blue on the next. Now I know, blue green algae is generally a bad thing but my god! Can you imagine the tanks we could build using this blue water technique? I immediately had to do some research and learn more abou...